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Sasuke Samurai #4 (V.2 - Ultimate Rare)

Sasuke Samurai #4 (V.2 - Ultimate Rare) Single: Yu-Gi-Oh! Rise of Destiny Einzelkarte
Sasuke Samurai #4 (V.2 - Ultimate Rare)

Sasuke Samurai #4

Race: Warrior
Level: 4
Atk: 1200 / Def: 1200
Collectors Nr.: 016
If this card battles a monster, toss a coin and call heads or tails before damage calculation. If you call it right, destroy the opponent's monster with this effect.

Sasuke Samurai #4 (V.2 - Ultimate Rare)
Sasuke Samurai #4
Zustand Sprache Notiz Lager Preis Menge
Rise of Destiny
Ultimate Rare
Collectors Nr.: 016
1E ### 1 € 2,99
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Sasuke Samurai #4 (V.2 - Ultimate Rare)
Rise of Destiny
Ultimate Rare
Collectors Nr.: 016
Zustand: PO
Sprache: DE
Notiz: ###
Lager: 1
Preis: € 2,99
andere Versionen
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